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Safety Consultants Edmonton
Ben BogartSpectrum Safety Services is the best place in Edmonton to find a safety consultant. If you are looking for petroleum safety training, CPR training of any kind, fire extinguisher training or a variety of other courses Spectrum Safety Services has been recognized by the people of Edmonton as the best place for your needs. One call is all it will take to see why. For more than a decade Spectrum Safety Services have worked to educate and train tens of thousands of students in the Edmonton area. Their expert safety consultants are well versed in training employees from a variety of industries such as schools, social service agencies, health sciences and the oil and gas industry. This diverse training background equips them to offer effective training to any student, and great care is taken to ensure a training experience of the highest quality. Their curriculum includes information on certification requirements and their frequency as well as up to date information from the appropriate governing regulatory agencies. For their outstanding services at the most competitive prices, Spectrum Safety Services have earned the Consumer Choice Award for best safety consultants in Edmonton. Since 1987 the Consumer Choice Award has annually gathered the opinions and expectations of thousands of consumers and businesses from cities across North America. Their process has been fine tuned over the years using third party market research firms to learn which local businesses are seen as shining examples in a variety of categories, such as the best safety consultants in Edmonton. The handling of the results are currently entrusted to Leger Marketing, the leading Canadian-owned independent research firm and member of the Worldwide Independent Network (WIN) of Market Researchers. The Consumer Choice Award is able to accurately reflect the opinions of each marketplace by avoiding any extreme bias that would otherwise alter results. With a lack of influence from advocate groups, industry insiders and unethical business practices the award is able to highlight only the most deserving of businesses. Many steps are taken to ensure the validity of results, from allowing only one vote per participant to having only the third party research firm tabulate results. The implementation of a unique surveying methodology that follows a specific criteria reveals which businesses are most thought of in each category, such as best safety consultants in Edmonton. These results are used to create a ballot that is voted on by the community to name the winners in each category. A great deal of competition is created each year among businesses competing to be named the next Consumer Choice Award winner as recipients receive many benefits, such as an increase in recognition and sales through a larger customer base. The Consumer Choice Award is of great benefit to every community it is a part of by offering a platform for consumers to let their opinions and experiences be heard. Spectrum Safety Services has been recognized as the finest place for training from a safety consultant in Edmonton and has been presented the Consumer Choice Award. Thank you Consumer Choice Award for your annual efforts to recognize and promote business excellence, and congratulations to Spectrum Safety Services for being named the best place in Edmonton to find a safety consultant. To speak with a courteous service representative, call 780-429-6757 or find them online to find a course schedule and location near you.
Spectrum Safety Services- go to the company website at
to learn more about the services that won them the Consumer Choice Award for best safety consultants in Edmonton.
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