Making A Guest Room With An Outside Entrance

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By Alyssa Davis
Some people have guest rooms that are only used on occasion. However, if you are in a situation where you have a guest who is staying long term, such as an adult child, it may make sense to add an outside entrance to the room. This gives your long-term guest more privacy and causes fewer interruptions of your own life. If you are thinking of adding an outside entrance to your guest room, there are some things that you may want to consider before knocking out the outside wall.
Location of the Guest Room
You have heard it said that location is everything, but when adding an outside entrance to a guest room, that saying has never been truer. If your guest room is on the third floor of your home and sandwiched between other bedrooms, adding an outside entrance is probably not going to be the easiest or most practical course of action. In most cases, a guest room on the ground floor in an easily accessible corner of the house is going to be the best candidate for adding an outside entrance. Not only will this make it easier for guests to enter and exit, but if you decide to turn the room into a home office at any point, it will also make it easier for clients to come and go.
Knocking out a wall and adding a door to your guest room is not as simple as it may sound. Such renovation will require the work of a certified contractor who can ensure that the exterior wall remains properly supported. It is also important to think about how adding a door will impact the rest of the room. Is there enough space to accommodate a door opening and closing? If there is not, you may want to consider adding sliding glass doors instead of a traditional entrance door. You will still have the benefits of outside access, but it will take up less room space than a traditional swinging door.
Safety of the Guest Room
Another important point to consider is the safety aspect of adding another entrance to your home. While it may make it easier for your occasional guests to come and go as they please, it also becomes another potential point of entry for burglars. This is especially true if you opt for sliding glass doors, as they pose a much greater security risk than a steel door. If you do not go in the guest room very often when guests are not in town, you may want to install motion sensors and secure locks on the door.
Adding an outside entrance can be exceptionally convenient for out of town guests who need to come and go without disturbing you or your family. If you have visitors who stay for any length of time, an outside entrance can make everyone’s life more convenient. However, be sure that you address all security and construction concerns before jumping into such remodeling.
About the Author: Alyssa Davis writes and designs for and she is happy to share many ideas on creating stylish interiors with
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