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Gps Vs. Vehicle Immobilization

Posted On October 17, 2022 at 3:09 pm by / No Comments

GPS vs. Vehicle immobilization


Energy Boomer

Vehicle theft is on the rise. Some areas of North America are worse than others. Some vehicles have a higher theft rate than others. What about heavy trucks or heavy construction equipment. A trucker’s worst nightmare is having his load stolen. According to the Ontario Trucking Association, Canada’s Trucking industry loses more than one billion per year. What’s worse, trucking companies can have exorbitant insurance premiums wih high deductibles. In cases where there has been excessive theft, a company has to self insure because no insurance compnany wants their business. Thieves aren’t dumb. They like trucks that have a heavy duty padlock on the back door. It has to be valuable with a big lock on it. Trucking companies try to block in trailers sitting in the yard to discourage the potential of theft. Construction companies cross their fingers every day when they come to the job site, hoping that their equipment didn’t get stolen the night before. Most people don’t know that some equipment have a standard key. Many people prefer to hide and hope it doesn’t happen to them. Some try to be proactive and do something about it. Some have turned to GPS systems. A noble attempt. Unfortunately, this technology is reacitive. It means that it only works for you after the equipment has been stolen. If it’s not too far away, the police can help you. If it has travelled a distance, it becomes more troublesome to recover. Law enforcement officials are already taxed dealing with the greater needs of society. They really don’t have the resources to deal with theft. That is why sometimes a vehicle with an installed GPS does not get recovered. Of course, even if your vehicle did get retrieved, sometimes you dont’t want it back because it has been abused to the point of non use.


Well there is an answer.

Introducing the new technology. Well really it’s existing technology. However here in North Amercia most people have no idea that it exists. Not only does it exist, it is proven, and available. I am talking about the Vehicle immoblizers. They are also called anti-theft systems. OEM vehicle immobilizers isolate one circuit, namely the ignition. Best in class approved immobilizers isolate three circuits. Auto Watch carries the premier anti theft immobilizers on the market today. They isolate three electrical systems on a vehicle. They are designed to immobilize any vehicle on and off road. If it has a motor, it can be immobilized. The products are ULC approved and TS16949 certified. Some of their products have been tested and apporvied by the Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. Auto Watch’s claim to fame is that they have had ZERO thefts in over 9.5 million installations worldwide. North America is behind the times. This company is successful around the world and virtually unheard of in North America. Vehicle immobilizers are pro -active, compared to their reactive GPS cousins. Immobilizers are designed to allow only authorized personnel to start a vehicle, thus effectively preventing theft. Now there is a vehicle theft solution.

Anthony MannellaSecurity ConsultantOntario Security Solutions

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